Meave Clovis

"There are things in this world where you have to sacrifice everything you stand for in order to protect those you love."


Meave was born in Galahd, Eos, to two loving parents who were simple machine workers, supplying the kingdom of Lucis with metal from their mines. She grew up being friends with Nyx, Libertus, and Crowe, all having fun within the rivers after their school days, and whenever the scorching heat was too much for any other activity. Years passed, and the four grew up, Nyx and Libertus opening a bar, offering Meave a job there as a bartender, which she gladly accepted, since she hadn't want to join her parents in machine working.

This would all change then The Wall fell, and Nilfheim would overtake Galahd. The four fought for their lives as Nilfheim ravaged through the Islands, putting down any who would oppose their rule. They managed to escape on the first boats to Insomnia. King Regis of the Lucis family personally invited the four into his royal guard, the Kingsglaive, after his promise of provision and patrols to their homeland. Meave would serve King Regis for four years, becoming proud to carry her insignia of her station within the ranks of the guard. She'd even be called to personally assist Prince Noctis when Cor wasn't available.

Another year passes, and a missive is found under Meave's door, a mission. She's to go on a patrol into Galahd, to explore an old Solheim ruin. She gathers a team, and sets out once King Regis briefs them. It was a routine four day expedition, or so they thought it would be.

Upon reaching the bottom of the ruins, something happened above ground, causing a massive cave in of the ruins, and due to them being deep underground, there was no way for them to make it out alive during the cave in. So the team retreated further inside, only to be separated by debris cutting the path in half. This had claimed the life of one of her team. Disoriented, and distraught from the events in passing, Meave pushed deeper without her team, searching for some way to get back to them. That's when she came across a large circular reservoir of purple tinted water. At first the thought she found herself in a morbol bed, but that couldn't be farthest from the truth.

Scathach soon appeared from the water, cackling maniacally. Meave would draw her weapon, a scythe specially made for her under the request of King Regis. Scathach would offer Meave a way out, should she defeat her in combat, if she were to lose, then her soul would belong to the void.

Meave lost.

The void however, had other plans for her. Upon being dragged into the void, she was changed. Her body turning from human to Viera. Once Scathach had realized what was happening, she tried to kill Meave, firing a beam of energy through her stomach. She'd have succeeded if the void hadn't kept her alive. It mended the damage, however within the damage, Meave's ability to bare children as lost.

Scathach was dethroned, and Meave was made the new Queen of the Void, which upon learning everything she could in the void, re-dubbed herself as; The Queen of Hollow.

After fifteen or so years in the void, she was thrust into Eorzea, at the end of the Dragonsong war, with Nidhoggs true defeat. This is when she'd adopt a parentless child from Ishgard, named Evie Mathers, and the two set out to their new home. Thier new home was a castle in the middle of the Ruby Sea, upon a collection of Islands. Upon these Islands was a castle, and underneath the castle, was a void Aetheryte, where Meave attuned, and took her destined place as the Queen of Hollow.

She now resides her when she's not helping the Warrior of Light rid the world of it's calamitous forces. She hides her intentions under a guise. The guise being to end the world herself, but truly, she wants to go home, and she knows that if she were to accomplish such a feat, a calamity of the void upon Eorzea would be unleashed.

She's more than prepared to destroy and entire world to return to her own. That is, if there's nothing to keep her heart in Eorzea, of course.


Full Name: Madeline Elizabeth Clovis
Aliases: Meave, Queen of Hollow, Maddie.
Sex: Female
Race/species: Former Human - Now Viera
Age: Unknown
Orientation/Sexual preference: Bisexual with female lean
Height: 6'4”
Weight: 143 lbs
Eye color(s): Green
Current faith: Unknown
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


A Realm Reborn:

Meave was still currently in Eos during the events of A Realm Reborn.


Meave was taken into the void, and put through various trials by the void, until Scathach attempted to kill her, in which the void retaliated and crowned Meave the new Queen.

Post Heavensward (The DragonSong War):

Meave was thrust into the world of Hydaelyn, landing within Coerthas. Bewildered, and confused, she made her way to Ishgard, where she adopted an orphan from the Brume, Evie Mathers. The two retreated into the Void, to where Meave could raise the child.


Meave built her fortune after discovering a castle on a string of island in The Ruby Sea. She paid people's debts, for their servitude and a portion of their earnings, under the promise that they'd need to not live in fear anymore from other Debtors. This is when the Scions of The Seventh Dawn attempted to make contact with her, which ensued in a fight that Meave won. They struck a deal to allow her to live in peace, as long as she helped them with the war efforts.

Post Stormblood:
After helping the Scions with the liberation of Ala Mhigo, and the fight with Shinryu, Meave returned to her castle to grow her fortune for a time, setting out once again to assist them in the battle of Ghimlyt Dark, summoning a small band of voidsent to help in the fight, only to dispose of them once their use was fulfilled.

Upon being summoned into the First by the Crystal Exarch, she was greeted with a rather warm welcome, which she hadn't entirely been accustomed. Upon explanation of what was happening, Meave simply declined to offer her assistance for the time being, setting out in the world to investigate for herself. Her mind wasn't officially changed until the battle of Holminster Switched rendered the skies above Lakeland a starry night. This is when she met Emet Selch as well, and was apprehensive of him. The two conversed, as they were ultimately matched in power, the man revealing himself as an Ascian to her, rather early on. Why he did so was a mystery to her, until the moments of battle after defeating Innocence at Mt. Gulg. Opting to follow the Ascian and learn, she bid farewell to the Scions for the time being, and followed Emet through a rift. During this time, she learned who she really was. Eris, of the Amourotine. Her "fame" being that of the one who took credit for Hydaelyn's summoning, even though she wasn't the one who committed the act. Meave simply stepped aside during the fight against Hades, looking to the Warrior of Light with vitriol in her eyes. "End him." Were the words she spoke to them, simply leaving Amourot, and using her own power to return to the source herself.

Post Shadowbringers:
She's understandably on rocky ground with the Scions after she abandoned them in the Source, though they left her alone, up until a new threat presented itself. She was called to the city of Ala Mhigo once again, arriving in time to witness the Telophoroi to reveal it's Lunar Bahamut. After the scene, she was informed of the towers, which she already knew about. She had been dealing with straggling tempered pirates around her Island, now knowing it's true source, she offered her complete support, as her own home was now in danger. The fight at Paglth'an brought suspicion from her upon the sundered Ascian's plans, deciding it best to do her own research, planning a trip to Garlemald itself, intent on finding out what was happening for herself.

Alternate Versions

Non Queen of Hollow
Warrior of Light
Various other In game Races!

Writer Info

Heya! I'm Miv! Thank you for stopping by and reading my Carrd for Meave! I've been writing for quite a few years, almost 12 if i'm to be honest. I've enjoyed writing stories with people, and i've recently gotten into writing them alone! Please don't be shy to contact me if you're wanting to write! I not only have this character, but a couple others that are entwined with her! Once again, Thank you for stopping by!